
Crafty Help for Penguin Love

Knit a Sweater, Help a Penguin in Need

Too often the news just plain sucks! It's always the bad, the scary and the ugly....but every once and a while we are graced with something positive, a glimpse inside the beautiful side of humanity. I first saw this adorable/warm your heart story on NBC's Nightly News and Etsy. 

"recent oil spill on New Zealand’s coast has left the environment and wildlife in shambles — including the local blue penguin population. While volunteers are working hard to rescue and clean the animals in the region, they require a little bit of crafty help: tiny sweaters, or penguin pajamas, for the rescued birds. These woolen sweaters keep oil-soaked birds warm until they’re well enough to be cleaned and prevent them from ingesting oil from their feathers."
- TeenAngster, The Etsy Blog 

The Etsy Blog has written this great little article and linked how to help. So all you knitters - get your penguin sweaters on! 

Penguins in sweaters?! Does it get any better? :)


Sneak Peek!

Good Morning and Happy Autumn! I wish it was a real/cooler fall day. I hate when you get all ready to break out your footed pajamas and nightly hot chocolate (don't act like you don't do this!) just to find out it will be 80 degrees tomorrow and you are cursing yourself for prematurely yanking all the fans out of your windows! I guess I shouldn't complain....cold, cold, dark winter is just around the corner!

Anyways, I have been doing a lot more cutting, sewing, drawing, inspiration collecting (Pinterest is great for this!), researching and designing for my new PERCHED Collection. I was going to post them on etsy today, but since NY has decided to cut sunshine out of their budget, I am still waiting to take pictures of them! Come on SUN!!! So in the meantime, I will make more of my little monster birds and you can enjoy the picture!


August Color

It's almost August...can you believe it?? I just got back from my annual beach vacation and I have SO much I want to accomplish this month! Organizing, creating, selling, blogging, and HOLIDAY planning! Yes, holiday planning! Fall is just around the corner, so I made this treasury today in honor of August, our last (real) summer month!

Cherish the rest of these golden and blue days...they go too fast!