
Crafty Help for Penguin Love

Knit a Sweater, Help a Penguin in Need

Too often the news just plain sucks! It's always the bad, the scary and the ugly....but every once and a while we are graced with something positive, a glimpse inside the beautiful side of humanity. I first saw this adorable/warm your heart story on NBC's Nightly News and Etsy. 

"recent oil spill on New Zealand’s coast has left the environment and wildlife in shambles — including the local blue penguin population. While volunteers are working hard to rescue and clean the animals in the region, they require a little bit of crafty help: tiny sweaters, or penguin pajamas, for the rescued birds. These woolen sweaters keep oil-soaked birds warm until they’re well enough to be cleaned and prevent them from ingesting oil from their feathers."
- TeenAngster, The Etsy Blog 

The Etsy Blog has written this great little article and linked how to help. So all you knitters - get your penguin sweaters on! 

Penguins in sweaters?! Does it get any better? :)